
My Heart is a Bird that was Just Approached by Another Bird that Didn't Know Her but Still was Super Nice and Said "Hey, Nice Shirt!"

In other words, my heart is super duper gratified. Gratified seems inadequate, but I can't think of a better word. I'm super duper excited right now, because I just got my first:


Huzzah! Ashley Cail gave me a lovely comment on my last post with lots of good ideas on how to brainstorm writing ideas. Honestly, I'd probably still be really thrilled if she had left a comment to the effect of "You smell. Stop contaminating the Internet with your gross boring posts, you Smelly McSmellpants", but I digress. My heart is full of fuzzies for her right now. Ashley, you officially beat out Jeremy Wade as my favorite person that I don't know right now. Admittedly, that list is usually totally dependent upon what I happen to be reading or watching on television. But you could be on top for at least...three days! I wish I had something nice to give you...Do you like ladybugs? Do you like dinosaurs? This picture moderately relates to those questions:

See, it's a patchwork dinosaur trying to eat the ladybug...he's probably just curious and will spit it out right away when he realizes it tastes yucky, and then the ladybug will fly away (it won't even have to wait for its wings to dry, because see the dinosaur is just full of cotton and the love of children, so it doesn't have spit). How's that?

Anywhoosie, I'm pretty positive that I'll be starting that writing blog. Thanks to you all who commented with advice/encouragement--I'm so grateful I have friends like you. Now, the remaining two questions in my mind are: should I make it private or no? And how am I going to make it pretty?

Pretty blogs are very important to me. I really like pretty blogs. I'd like my writing blog to be pretty; this way, when I write a really crappy post, I can dazzle people's attention with the snazzy design of my blog and then they won't notice that the post they're reading is made of ugliness. "What pizazz! I'm bookmarking this blog, definitely."

Oh, one more question: judging from your comments, most of you seem to be under the impression that one dimension of this writing blog is to put myself out there, so to speak. That isn't my intention--I'm really only interested in the exercise--but I'm wondering if you really think that's what will happen?


  1. lol!! dinoasaurs and ladybugs are the best, i've decided.

    and you're my first -stranger comment- too! yay!
    well, if you do make your writing blog public, i would be happy to follow. ...also, i must express my thanks for your bravery in reading Twilight. your final review told me all i needed to know without having to actually go through the experience myself - haha!

  2. hehehe "Smelly McSmellpants" I always get super excited when strangers comment, actually when anyone comments....but mostly strangers

  3. Yes, that's what I hope will happen, Meg. Yay for something new to read!

  4. Make not blog too shiny, for then people's eyes hurt and they turn away before read. (Ancient Chinese proverb :P)
    However, curly designs of elegance usually provide a nice reading atmosphere. So you could ask Ellie, because she knows where to get lovely elegant curly templates, or you could ask Master CBL to design sumfin' for you. He's quite good at it, you know...perhaps, though, I shouldn't be advertising him without his permission. Ask, anyway. He's nice.
    But! Know this: if it is ugly, I for one will read it anyway. So if you make it private, make sure to invite me. :D
