


This is probably the most epic blog post I've ever read. Definitely the most epic blog post I've read on SCL.

My favorite scene from a Christmas movie.

Possibly my favorite Sufjan song, "Get Behind Me, Santa!"

Fantasia forever!

Our Christmas Eve tradition is to watch this movie.

Another tradition is to read this book. My daddy always cries; I love him.

"Christmas Time" by Phil Wickham (y'all need to go on his website right now and buy this album).

Got this off of Deviantart. Because I like interesting art.

More Sufjan: "The Friendly Beasts" featuring Shara Worden!

Julian Smith--he made this for you.

Geeze, I hope I didn't break the internet with all the stuff I have in this post...

Merry Christmas!

Archives Advent Extravaganza Day 23-24--Christmas Eve!

We always used to called December 23rd "Christmas Adam." We were really quite cool.

An example of why Psych is made of awesome:

I never believed in Santa, but it's never almost been Christmas until I watched this video:

T-1! Happy Christmas Eve!


Archives Advent Extravaganza Day 22--I'm Almost There

More from Stuff Christians Like. I don't actually know if this guy has a short list of "Stuff Christians Like," but if he did he would have to put his own website on it I think.


[Has anyone besides me noticed that my countdown is totally askew?]


Archives Advent Extravaganza Day 21--Y'all Better Still Be Snow-Dancing

If you don't know this song, your Christmas is less complete than it should be:



Archives Advent Extravaganza Days 19-20--I Have Both "Christmas Shoes" Movies

Thanks to David Goodness. Yessss.

I missed another day--I blame my tendency to disappear off the face of the planet for the first week of any break. But hey, I'm on break!

More craftiness for you--Sarah made a really nifty advent calendar of her own based upon this thing. I think it's pretty neat.

Why does this shirt make me laugh? I don't know, but it does. So I made it Day 20.



Archives Advent Extravaganza Day 18--I Normally Don't Do This

This isn't a crafty blog. I'm not one of those cool people who stumble across awesome obscure artsy DYI designs to make your home/room/office space/car look amazing and unique and totally hipster and then dedicates a blogpost to sharing it with the world. I'm one of those people who thinks, "You know what? Twine smells like sneezes" and then decides the internet needs to know about it and then dedicates a blogpost to sharing it with the world. You know. That sort of thing.

But this gift idea is pretty dang cool, especially if you're like me and feel woefully inadequate whenever you give giftcards as presents even if it will genuinely bless the receiver.

This is probably the only time I'm gonna do this...

[So if you want more of it, go to my sister-in-law's blog because you'll get great recipe's and interior design ideas interspersed with BABIES. Honestly, what more could you ask for? Tell me.]


Archives Advent Extravaganza Days 15, 16, and 17--You Knew This Would Happen at Least Once

So...I missed a few days. Yes. Okay. But I sort of started out doing that so really what more were you expecting?

And here, look, see, I have three things for you. So it's basically the same, right?

First, here's my new favorite version of The Little Drummer Boy

Second, this is a book that you should get because it's awesome and it's been in my family as long as I can remember and it's awesome.

Third, this is the most adorable Christmas presentation ever:


Archives Advent Extravaganza Day 14--I Can Almost Smell the Candlewax

Christmas is almost here. Finals are kicking my butt but not God's, so hallelujah.

Another favorite Christmas song (and OOHOOHLOOK MOAR TECHNOLOGY):

You can't go wrong with A Charlie Brown Christmas.


Archives Advent Extravaganza Day 13--Snooooooooow

This morning I got to walk into school through a swirl of glorious, fat snowflakes.

I'm so happy right now.

[You can't go wrong with White Christmas.]


Archives Advent Extravaganza Day 12--This Whole Thing Proves I Really Really Love You

Because this is getting annoying. Remind me never to promise to post once every day on anything ever again. It's all for you, dear Reader, all for you.


Archives Advent Extravaganza Day 11--Here, Have Another Thing

I love this blog. Jon Acuff inspires me to not always use my sarcasm for evil (I mean, his word isn't the equivalent of God's holy scripture, but he says some good stuff). Also he can make Harry Potter references apply to Christian life.

So read this thing. Because I'm planning on trying at least the first at my Christmas Eve service (if they do the candle thing again).


Archives Advent Extravaganza Day 10--Blame the Cold

I feel yucky.

Here, have an awesome music video:



Archives Advent Extravaganza Day 9--Snow Dance, for the Love of Mike!

I need it to snow. Like, right now.

Not gonna lie, this is my favorite version of this song, and this is my favorite video of this version:



Archives Advent Extravaganza Day 6--More Musics, Less Technology

I don't have an MP3 of this so I have to use this lumbering video window again.

Life is kinda busy right now. Is my head still where I left it? I hope so.


Archives Advent Extravaganza Day 5: My Life is Pretty Awesome

This afternoon we went and got our Christmas tree. About four hours later it was on the stand, be-lighted, and we began decorating. It's always fun to jam as many of our ornaments on the Christmas tree as we possibly can--we've accumulated quite a lot over the years but somehow every Christmas season we do indeed get all of them on there. But you probably know family rituals like that are something you really have to be there to understand the awesomeness.

After we decorated our tree, we turned off all the lights except the Christmas lights and proceeded to boogey down and have a family dance party to this song:

That's right. Even my mom.

[In case you missed it, that song is the advent prize for today. Oh man I'm smooth. Like buttah. All thanks (lots and lots of thanks) and credit go to Nathan Lee for showing me how to embed music. OMG LOOK TECHNOLOGY!]


Archives Advent Extravaganze Day 4--Because I Don't Like the Number 4 as Much, Today's Advent is Kinda Lame

But for some reason this picture just tickles my fancy so I'm putting it up here.

 Isn't he just darling? Hopefully this is what my Christmas tree will look like. And then we'll have adventures together.

Oh geeze, I feel like I have to supplement this lame Day 4. Um......

Does anyone find it interesting that I rarely post about significant life events? My brother just got engaged and I didn't say anything about it. Nor will I beyond that. You, dear reader, are probably not going to know I have a boyfriend until I write a post that starts, "So four days after my wedding I saw this HUGE spider..." What is this blog about, anyway?

Did you know pumice is the only rock that floats in water?

Did you know I can only tolerate something resting on my collarbone if I'm not sitting still?

Kay, bye.


Archives Advent Extravaganza Day 3--The Bible's Not About Us (And Neither is Christmas)

That's right. It's day three, okay? Because it's December 3rd. Smoke it.

I have another video for you, dear Readers, and this one is really good. It's an excerpt from a Tim Keller message. It isn't specifically about Christmas; it's called "What is the Bible Basically About", but I wanted to make this one of the first things because it's about why we celebrate Christmas. As I watched this video, God reminded me that Christmas was the beginning of all that the bible is about. Christmas is not about hot chocolate or getting off school or singing Christmas songs or getting presents or giving presents or even family as much as I dearly love that aspect of it. Christmas is about remembering one of the three most important days in history. Christmas is about remembering the day that the greatest being in all the universe became like the worst beings in all the universe; Christmas is about remembering the day that the Word of God became flesh to live with us; Christmas is about remembering the day that Jesus Christ was born in order to die.

The bible is not about us, and Christmas is not about us. Glory to God in the highest!


Stop Complaining; I Have a Life, Okay!

That title is just to make visitors think that my blog is so popular that people complain to me all the time about how I never update it. I don't get complaints in real life; for that matter, I don't think I get visitors, either. But that's okay, I don't write this blog for an audience (clearly).

I just wanted to point out that I gave Archives a Christmas makeover. Doesn't he look awesome? Why did I feel the need to write a mini-post pointing this out, you ask, dear Reader, when one can very clearly see for themselves that the blog format has changed? I don't have a satisfactory answer for you, but it probably has something to do with the fact that I should be researching for a paper on psychoanalytic criticism right now.

No, wait...I think there is sort of a point to this post. I had an idea, last night, right before I fell asleep (which on a normal night would mean that you do not want to know, but in this case it seems to still be pretty okay in the light of morning). I thought it might be fun to do an Archives Super Cool Christmas: Advent Extravaganza--ON THE INTERNET. Which basically means that I'm going to post something holiday-ish every day until Christmas. I know, you're peeing with excitement right now, right? Me too. Hopefully this will be an everyday thing, rather than something like NaNoWriMo, or the beginning of this blog (remember that time when I said I was required by my professor to write everyday? I know, that was so funny).

Since I had this idea right before I fell asleep, I didn't post anything for yesterday. You probably already guessed that, because you guys are pretty smart for internet denizens. But that just means that to start off you get two things! Try to contain that excitement before it comes exploding out of the top of your head from the sheer excellence of this monumental event.

First, here's a song from one of my favorite Christmas CDs, Songs for Christmas by Sufjan Stevens. Everyone should buy it. It's 42 tracks of Christmas magic:

The second is quite possibly my favorite short from the original Fantasia (it's not exactly Christmas themed--but the music is!):

Most of the Archives Super Cool Christmas: Advent Extravaganza--ON THE INTERNET (henceforth to be referred to as ASCCAEOTI or Ascoti for short) will probably be songs. Maybe videos. Pictures, perhaps on a rare occasion.

Audience participation would be helpful in two areas:

  1. Spam me with awesome Christmas crap! I need ideas.
  2. Does anybody know how to embed songs onto a blog post, so I don't have to put up a giant great video window just so people can listen to them? Let me know.