
October!--Waxing of the Poetical Variety

Happy first of October! Oh the joy of the greatest month of the year.

Why October is the paramount, incomparable, indisputably best month of the year:
  • It's Fall. Wholly, totally, unadulterated Autumn. No other month of the year can say that. September is the beginning of the story, November is the denouement, but October is the climax.
  • The Foliage. The leaves are well into the changing, but haven't yet almost completely disappeared. Everything is on fire. Beautiful.
  • The weather. There is no other weather more pleasant than what can be defined as "nippy." There are very few things in life that bring more contentment that trotting through leaf-scatter paths surrounded by gold and orange and red, huddled in your favorite jacket while your just cold enough to feel the blood spreading through your body; and then getting to come inside to the warm, and put on a sweatshirt and slippers (sweater-slippers! Everyone should have some!), brew some spicy tea, and curl up to read a book in the golden splash of an early sunset. Oh, bliss.
  • To piggyback on the above, the clothes you get to wear are the utmost in comfortability and aesthetics. Jackets, fuzzy boots, slippers (sweater slippers!), sweaters, scarves (that are functional!), gloves (hobo gloves! Note: buy hobo gloves), hats...all designed to not only look fantastic but to keep you so very comfortable and warm.
  • Something Wicked This Way Comes. I've already mentioned this; but it's one of my favorite books, and it's just perfect for reading in October. I think every month should have a Perfect Book (although that might be hard to manage what with such middling months as February, November, and June existing).
Autumn is violins, old memories, phoenix fire, warm embraces. I shudder to think of living in such places as only have two seasons. Horrors.

P.S. Constantine is suffering from some sort of stroke. This entry was written on the very tiny keyboard of my mother's computer (so blame any typos on that).


  1. 'The October Country', also by Bradbury, is worthy of at least a runner-up position for Perfect Book. (It's a collection of typically-Bradbury quasi-creeptastic shorts.) :)

  2. poor constantine :( and yay for sweater slippers!! not so much on hats. not my thing. sry..

  3. Ok see, comfortable clothing is awesome and fall fashions are great but I own pretty much just summer clothes. >.< I'm freezing!!

  4. eee!!! Fall! I loves fall. I want some hobo gloves too; we should go shopping together!

    And I shall be wishing for Constantine's speedy recovery.

  5. You forgot to mention October is our dear Sarah's birth month. A wonderful thing in a small package arrive the October when she was born.
