

Whisper-soft flakes fall in slow circles, moving in and out of the dervish of wind like dancers, now caught in a stately waltz, now spinning in wild revelry. 

One small, white hand traces the glass, following the snow with a long finger. "Perfect," she sighs against him.

White eyelashes curtain pale eyes looking down at the crown of her head; an unfamiliarly soft smile pulls at unpracticed lips. He's caught in awe he didn't know he could feel, simply at the feeling of how perfectly her head fits in the hollow of his throat, how easy it is to wrap his arms around her small shoulders.

It's calm and quiet and white around them.

"Perfect," he agrees.


It's snowing outside.  Marvelous, driving, ethereal flakes peppering my vision every time I look out a window. I love snow more than autumn; I love snow more than lightening; I love snow more than anything else that has ever graced God's wonderful creation.

There are few things better in this life than opening your eyes to see white enveloping a brown tile roof and simultaneously receiving a text from your boss that the office is closed for the day. I'm going to read by a window with tea and slippers, and play outside with the Hobbits, and sit with my family while it snows outside.

My heart is so full right now. Praise the Lord.


  1. this is so full of yes. i oh so slightly envy your agenda.

    also: brilliant shortfic.

  2. Short fic was incredible, much love to it, and I want to see more in the future. You said you wanted to have a writer's blog, so yay for more!

    And I love snow too, though I love it more when I don't have to shovel it. ;-) I think this is the biggest snowfall we've had in ages, so yippee!
