
Archives Advent Extravaganza Day 3--The Bible's Not About Us (And Neither is Christmas)

That's right. It's day three, okay? Because it's December 3rd. Smoke it.

I have another video for you, dear Readers, and this one is really good. It's an excerpt from a Tim Keller message. It isn't specifically about Christmas; it's called "What is the Bible Basically About", but I wanted to make this one of the first things because it's about why we celebrate Christmas. As I watched this video, God reminded me that Christmas was the beginning of all that the bible is about. Christmas is not about hot chocolate or getting off school or singing Christmas songs or getting presents or giving presents or even family as much as I dearly love that aspect of it. Christmas is about remembering one of the three most important days in history. Christmas is about remembering the day that the greatest being in all the universe became like the worst beings in all the universe; Christmas is about remembering the day that the Word of God became flesh to live with us; Christmas is about remembering the day that Jesus Christ was born in order to die.

The bible is not about us, and Christmas is not about us. Glory to God in the highest!

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