
Eh, I'll Do it Tomorrow--How Quickly the Thrill Fades

Well I forgot to blog again yesterday. And the guilt I felt last time has promptly gone from mild to nonexistent. It appears the novelty of blogging has worn off (it tends to happen rather quickly between novelties and me). Fear not, dear readers, I shall still be faithful to Archives. Just everyday-faithful, not good-heavens-this-girl-has-too-much-time-on-her-hands-faithful.

Another obstacles has just presented itself--my power cord appears to be going through minor death throes. It has flickered in and out of consciousness a few times now. Perhaps it's just a fluke, but I fear it may be indicative of a long-lasting problem ending in doom. This is exactly how it started with Michelle's power cord.

Note to self: if current power cord dies, buy power cord faster than sister.

(Just wondering what it looks like to align things to the write. Perhaps I shall use this sometime in some sort of poetry.)

English class/theory discussions are made so much more enjoyable with classmate Theresa to banter with. After every session we walk together to our next classes (which are conveniently located in the same building) and go on glorious tangents about a new subject every day. And of course, we completely do not whisper comments back and forth during the class itself. Certainly not. And we certainly didn't have a wonderful exchange about how "Dreadful Vampire Novel" has become a genre in itself, during these time that we do not murmur in class.

Oh the joy of making new friends. Presently I will start bringing up subject of substance, and then we shall really bond.

Cold weather! I lovest thee! Oh, beauteous fall coming ever closer, you have already heralded your arrival with air of coolness, and breezes of the below seventies variety. How my heart swells with gratitude as I am able to adorn my feet in fuzzy boots.

Alack! I must go shopping or I won't truly be able to enjoy autumn when it arrives.

Oh boots of fuzz
Embracing my feet in warmth
Fill me up with love

1 comment:

  1. tell your power cord to behave itself and yay for fall and fuzzy boots! or in my case.. i was thrilled to find out that a pair of fuzzy slipper boots are coming my way via some package of some sort :)
