
Oh Horrors!--Two Days Missed

The first was a Sunday though. I feel I can use the defense: "It would have been heathenish!" to carry my cause. And as for yesterday I have two legitimate excuses: the internet at my house eloped with the cable, and it was a Monday. I feel that is enough said.

As I said, the internet is gone, so currently I'm writing this at a table at Panera, sipping tea that tastes like a forest (in a good way).

Spent the afternoon doing some mad studying at the Gemmells on Sunday. What good times. Purposefully-sabotaged Whisper Down the Lane, mini-paper airplanes crafted from Starburst wrappers, griping about my theory book...ah, these are the things that we'll remember when we're old.

Interesting exchange between me and Shannon yesterday. The background: while waiting to leave for school, we both gathered in the kitchen. Shannon looked quite put-together in a jean skirt, striped sweater (that apparently I've worn more than she has), and brown fuzzy pom-pom boots (mine), beatifully makeupped and read to go. I gloriously present myself in jeans, an old t-shirt, a sweatshirt (to hide my food baby), a hobo (or skater bum--the two are almost interchangeable, save for the fact that hobos are cooler) knit cap (to hide my awful hair that I had no time to fix), and last night's mascara.

The exchange--shorter than the background--went as follows:

SHANNON: (cheerfully sniping) I look more like a college student than you do!

MEAGAN: (grumpy at 7:15 and therefore snarky) No...no really this is what college students actually look like.

I know you current students and recent graduates are nodding. I could only looked more like a real college student if I had been wearing Uggs (oh shudder).

Monday hardly bears mentioning. I won't, other than the fact that I got to hang out with dear Mary again.

In class today: extremely roundabout theory discussion that had no real conclusion, "Geri's Game" (it's a favorite); out of class today: found a kindred spirit in the feminism issue and spent ten minutes griping about FemNazis and their scary, intense ways. Fun.

Something to consider: Charles Dickens and Herman Melville were both payed by the word. I love Dickens, partly for his wordiness; I hate Herman Melville, mostly for his rambling. Interesting.

This post has a lot of colons. New trend: possibly. Probably not.


  1. Huge gold star for use of 'food baby.'

    I empathize with the internetlessness...we had that scenario all last week of work. At least Panera is a delicious hangout!

  2. oh panera... i do believe the last time you were there, your food put you and liz to sleep :)

    and yes... i would agree that you would know more about what a college student looks like (seeing how you ARE one) than your sis.

    so sorry you internet eloped with the cable...

  3. Heehee, you make me laugh. (apparently i looked like a college student when I came in that one day...I dont see how...I wasnt in a hoodie!)
