
Feed the Fish--you know you want to

After all, they're irresistible, yes? Their names are Alphonse (white), Remington (yellow), Steinway Himmel (red), Fitzwilliam (black), and Earl (blue). Is it not endearing how they stalk your mouse as you scroll over them?

So needless to say, I'm having a little more fun perfecting my blog (alt. definition: wasting time I should be using to do homework). You have no idea what agonies I went through before I finally decided on "wine red" as my heading color. Decisions, decisions, and I am an indecisive person.

The weather is once again delightfully cool, and "spittin-a-bit", as is the common vernacular in the Smith household. If this keeps up I will be able to appropriately sport my to-be-bought sweater vest in true style.

(No, Reliant K, I do not want to listen to you right now.)

My poor Spanish professor puts up with our blank, under-caffeinated stares every morning, and this morning she had the added difficulty of coming in with some sort of mild laryngitis. For her sake (and I must admit my own) I found myself wishing she had stayed home with a nice mug of tea and honey.

Listened to my history professor lecture on the mystical Hebrew faith, and how on earth did they make the transition from polytheism to monotheism without a revolt of the people? Oh, honestly.

I've been borrowing my younger brother's headphones lately (as mine seemed to have eloped--probably with matching companion to one of my favorite pairs of socks). Pros: they are the ultra-padded kind, and give me the impression that my cranium is being cocooned in concert-quality sound waves, that Matthew Bellamy is serenading in my ear (no, that is not at all creepy. Why do you ask?). Cons: after approximately ten minutes I can no longer feel my head. They are quite tight (metal headpiece, you know).

Must needs watch The Rocket for Psychology of Sports Injuries. Does anyone know what that is? I don't.

Ram's Head Cafeteria was serving cheese fry pizza today. How, oh how, can one see something like that and not believe that only God could inspire such glorious brilliance in Man's finite imagination?

Made a pleasing discovery today: one Chase Bradford Lowell (see "comments" on previous post for reference) is a Twitterer. He Twits. Ripping.

I suppose I really should go read now. Ten whole pages, can you believe, dear reader? It daunts me as well.

I will leave you with this question: what do bats and acrobats have in common? Is it merely the existence of the word "bat" in the two, or perhaps some deeper, more oblique relationship? Such questions would seem much to convoluted for your ordinary second-grade workbooks; however, brother Dan's Wordly Wise would beg to differ.


  1. please explain the phrase "must needs"

    i like your fish

    Rams Head Cafeteria - i got sick many a time after eating there. that is...if i strayed from the salad and fruit bar. consider yourself warned.

  2. My curiosity has been piqued concerning the respective etymologies of 'bat' and 'acrobat'. I can only imagine the classical root is somehow related to 'flying through the air?'

    Was the cheese fry pizza as intriguing as it sounded? And/or delicious?

    Fitzwilliam is my favorite.

  3. Remington....you named a fish after my dog?
